full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Oliver Jeffers: An ode to living on Earth

Unscramble the Blue Letters

On this planet, there are people. We have gone about our days, sometimes we look up and out, mostly we look down and in. Looking up and by drawing lines between the lhtigs in the sky, we've attempted to make sense out of caohs. Looking down, we've drawn lines across the land to know where we belong and where we don't. We do mostly forget that these lneis that connect the stars and those lines that divide the land live only in our heads. They, too, are stories. We carry out our everyday routines and rituals according to the stories we most believe in, and these days, the story is changing as we write it.

Open Cloze

On this planet, there are people. We have gone about our days, sometimes we look up and out, mostly we look down and in. Looking up and by drawing lines between the ______ in the sky, we've attempted to make sense out of _____. Looking down, we've drawn lines across the land to know where we belong and where we don't. We do mostly forget that these _____ that connect the stars and those lines that divide the land live only in our heads. They, too, are stories. We carry out our everyday routines and rituals according to the stories we most believe in, and these days, the story is changing as we write it.


  1. lights
  2. chaos
  3. lines

Original Text

On this planet, there are people. We have gone about our days, sometimes we look up and out, mostly we look down and in. Looking up and by drawing lines between the lights in the sky, we've attempted to make sense out of chaos. Looking down, we've drawn lines across the land to know where we belong and where we don't. We do mostly forget that these lines that connect the stars and those lines that divide the land live only in our heads. They, too, are stories. We carry out our everyday routines and rituals according to the stories we most believe in, and these days, the story is changing as we write it.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
planet earth 2

Important Words

  1. attempted
  2. belong
  3. carry
  4. changing
  5. chaos
  6. connect
  7. days
  8. divide
  9. drawing
  10. drawn
  11. everyday
  12. forget
  13. heads
  14. land
  15. lights
  16. lines
  17. live
  18. people
  19. planet
  20. rituals
  21. routines
  22. sense
  23. sky
  24. stars
  25. stories
  26. story
  27. write